Ghostlyhaks was created to indulge your every hacking need!

When I first started dabbling in penetration testing, there were many nights of just reading through forums and material trying to wrap my mind around it all. Sometimes I would spend countless hours trying to perform things that now I consider simple tasks. I eventually ended up on YouTube and found a few videos on Offensive Security’s Backtrack. I said to myself “The possibilities are endless!”. Backtrack is an open source penetration testing platform built on Linux and Ubuntu by security professionals, for security professionals that now has hundreds of tools to automate attacks and exploits. I dove right in and started learning as much as possible about my new found glory. After many nights of being jacked up on caffeine and wanting to pull my own hair out, I finally started to get the hang of things. I later decided that I was going to create my own YouTube channel to make other people’s lives easier. My inbox filled up, the comments rolled in, and my subscribers just kept rising. I soon realized that I wasn’t going to have enough time to address all of my new fans. I went out on a limb and started learning some web design and finally decided it was time to create what is now known as Ghostlyhaks. This site will be filled with video tutorials on how to hack using Backtrack and eventually on other subjects as well. If there’s a video that hasn’t been made yet, just go to my Suggestions page and request it. I will personally sit down and make one. If there’s a question you need answered, head on over to my Forums and ask me or one of the other members via PM or post it in the Forums. If there’s a download that I have made a reference to you cannot seem to find, check out the Downloads section. If you have any questions, concerns, complaints, or praises feel free to contact me anytime.


How to contact me (thaGH05T).

You can contact me via the forums, my screen name is listed above, or you can head on over to my Contact page and drop me a line anytime you would like. Alternatively you can visit my YouTube channel and comment or PM me there.


Thinking about joining the team?

We are always on the lookout for anyone who can help me build this site, create tutorials or moderate the forums. If you think you are a novice and want to see this site grow, go to the Contact page and send me an email. The subject should be “Team Member?” and the content should list any pertinent skills and a little summary about you. The skills I’m interested in are advanced knowledge in HTML, CSS, Java Script, Linux, backtrack, or any other computer programming language.

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  • ljamal
  • ljamal74
  • mikeg2atest
  • ducchinhbui
  • anjarezt
